I find your security challenge questions and requirements an invasion of my privacy. You don't need to know anything about me in that detail. As an industry with everyone asking this kind of information, I am being forced to expose MORE data about myself then ever before and I find that MOST offensive.
Find another way or foist your draconian rules on those who have been lax enough to be victimized by fraud - not generate data for future attacks for all.
Nicomachean EthicsAristotle Read it all here or download their text version for offline review.
Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties - Advanced SQL Programming by Joe Celko :: Does DB development make people curmudgeons or is it that cranky people like to do DB development? Mr. Celko is one of those guys that will stir the pot if your not inclinded to yourself. You may not always agree with him, but he sure will make you think.
The Hawk is Dying by Harry Crews :: Someone else described this as "Flannery O'Connor on steroids".
Enquiry Concerning MoralsHume :: Full text of the late 1800's versions.
Writing Secure Code Howard & Lipner :: At least skim this if youare programming in a Windows world.