It could be a rumor ...

My favorite programmer asks: Which genius put this into the common library?

return bool.Parse("true");

instead of

return true;

I don't care where you come from, that's funny!


Open Letter to all Credit facilities

I find your security challenge questions and requirements an invasion of my privacy. You don't need to know anything about me in that detail. As an industry with everyone asking this kind of information, I am being forced to expose MORE data about myself then ever before and I find that MOST offensive.

Find another way or foist your draconian rules on those who have been lax enough to be victimized by fraud - not generate data for future attacks for all.



I'm all a-twitter

One of our loggin file tables can only display 50 characters, so when someone logged the message:

"A copy group can't be set to verified. Please rotate the spot before verifying."

The users sees

"A copy group can't be set to verified. Please rot"

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